Holokavst v deželi tulipanov

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V prispevku se dotikam srednješolskega pouka slovenščine na strokovni šoli nekoliko drugače. Ta predmet, ki ga vedno dopolnjujejo tudi zgodovinska dejstva, je na pretežno fantovski šoli težak, dolgočasen, celo odveč. Zavedam se, da učitelj ne sme le suhoparno podajati učne snovi, ampak mora tudi dokazati, da nezanimivo postane zanimivo. Zato obravnavo literarnih smeri, besedil vedno podkrepim tudi z zgodovinskimi dejstvi, dodatnim branjem literarno-zgodovinskih del, celo obiskom evropskih držav in opomnim tudi na pričevanja še živečih posameznikov. Učitelj je še posebej vesel vsakršne spodbude dijakov, pa naj bo to prebrana knjiga, poustvarjalno pisanje ali pogovor s tistimi, ki se še spominjajo druge svetovne vojne.


Holocaust in the Land of Tulips

The article takes a slightly different approach to Slovene language lessons at a technical school. At the mostly boys’ school, this subject, which is always complemented by historical facts, is considered difficult, boring, even superfluous. I am aware that a teacher should not just dryly present the learning content, but should corroborate it with evidence to make the uninteresting facts interesting. That is why I always substantiate the discussion of literary movements and texts with historical facts, with additional reading of literary and historical works, even with visits to European countries, and bring up first-hand accounts from those who are still alive. Any teacher would be glad to see the students show initiative, either by reading a book, doing re-creative writing, or talking with those who still remember World War II.