Atlas je mladonagubano gorovje, nastalo v alpidski orogenezi pred približno 65 milijoni let. Leži v severozahodnem delu Afrike in poteka čez dežele Magreba (Maroko, Alžirija, Tunizija). Najvišji vrh je Jebel Toubkal (4.165 m), ki se dviga v Visokem Atlasu v Maroku. Za gorovje so značilni višinski rastlinski pasovi, ki odsevajo dvojnost sredozemske in saharske strani. Atlas je podnebna meja med namočenim severom in sušnim jugom. V Atlasu in njegovi bližini so se ohranili staroselci Amaziri, bolj znani pod imenom Berberi (kot so jih poimenovali stari Rimljani), ki govorijo jezik tamazigh. Ohranili so svoj jezik in kulturo, od Arabcev pa so prevzeli muslimansko vero. Atlas je izjemen, zaokrožen naravno-kulturni prostor s svojimi posebnostmi, ki so pravi izziv za geografe.
Atlas Mountains
Atlas is a young folded mountain range that was formed in the Alpine orogeny, about 65 million years ago. It lies in the northwest part of Africa and extends across the Maghreb lands (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia). The highest peak is Jebel Toubkal (4165 m), which rises in the High Atlas in Morocco. Typical for this mountain range are high vegetation levels that reflect the duality of the Mediterranean and Saharan sides. Atlas is a true climatic boundary between the wetter north and the drier south. Atlas and its surroundings are still inhabited by the native Amazigh tribes that speak the Tamazight language. They are better known by the name Berbers (named by the ancient Romans). They have preserved their language and culture, but have taken over the Islam religion from the Arabs. Atlas is an amazing, rounded natural and cultural space with special features that present a real challenge for geographers.