Glasba je nihanje strune, vpete med nebom in zemljo

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Glasba je umetnost, ki se udejanja z zvoki in tišino. Njen osnovni element je ton, ki mu lahko določimo višino, trajanje, moč in barvo. Kadar zaporedno (horizontalno) povežemo več različnih tonov, nastane melodija, v kateri so zvoki v svojevrstnem odnosu tonskih razdalj, hitrosti izvajanja, zvočne dinamike, barvnih odtenkov in agogike. Kadar toni zazvenijo sočasno, nastajajo različna sozvočja: intervali, akordi ter zvočni grozdi – klastri. Ko med seboj povežemo več akordov, nastane harmonija. Kot glasbo prepoznamo neko urejeno zaporedje tonov ali/in sozvočij.


Music is like a String Vibrating between the Sky and the Earth

Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence. Its basic element is tone which can be described with the qualities of pitch, duration, intensity and colour. When multiple different tones are linked successively (horizontally), they create a melody, where the sounds form a unique relationship based on tone distance, performance speed, sound dynamics, colour and agogics. A combination of different pitches sounded simultaneously creates harmonization – intervals, chords and sound clusters. By connecting the chords, harmony is produced. Music is recognized as an arranged sequence of tones or/ and harmonies.