V prispevku podajam eno od možnosti učne obravnave bajke v 7. razredu, in sicer kot diferencirano skupinsko delo (v dveh šolskih urah). Ta učitelju in učencem nudi ogromno možnosti za medpredmetno sodelovanje. Članku so priložena navodila za delo v 4 diferenciranih skupinah, hkrati pa so omenjene tudi možnosti za nadaljnje ustvarjalno delo in povezovanje.
Eduard Petiška: Dedal in Ikar [Daedalus and Icarus] – Discussion of a Myth in 7th Grade
This paper presents a potential method for discussing a myth in the 7th grade, namely as differentiated group work (during two periods). It provides the teacher and students with plenty of opportunities for cross-curricular collaboration. The article includes instructions for working in 4 differentiated groups and mentions the possibilities for further creative work and integration.