Geološka podlaga Škotske je stara – večinoma iz starega in le malo iz srednjega zemeljskega veka. Vse ostale kamnine, ki sodijo v kvartar in so torej mlajše od 2,6 milijona let, tamkajšnji geologi prištevajo k t. i. površinskim kamninam in ne geološki podlagi. Višavski in otoški del Škotske gradijo zelo stare metamorfne in magmatske kamnine, za zahodni rob pa je bil značilen tudi mlajši – paleogenski vulkanizem. Osrednje nižavje in območje gričevja južno od tod gradijo večinoma sedimentne kamnine ordovicijske do karbonske starosti, severozahodno obrobje pa tudi starejše (karbonske) vulkanske kamnine. Geološka podlaga je v podrobnostih zelo pestra, mnogo je prelomov in narivov, ki so v največji meri posledica kaledonske orogeneze. Zaradi obširne tematike smo v članku dali poudarek le izbranim drobcem iz geološke zgodovine in kratko orisali pomen škotske geologije za razvoj te znanosti.
Fragments from the Geology of Scotland
The geological substratum of Scotland is old – mostly from the Palaeozoic and only a small section from the Mesozoic. All other rocks, which belong to the Quaternary and are therefore less than 2.6 million years old, are classified by local geologists as the so-called surface rocks and not as the geological substratum. The highland and island part of Scotland is made up of very old metamorphic and igneous rocks; the western edge is also characterised by younger – Palaeogene volcanism. The central lowland and the hilly area to the south are mostly made up of sedimentary rocks, from Ordovician to Carboniferous in age, while the northwestern fringe is also made up of older (Carboniferous) volcanic rocks. The geological substratum contains highly diverse details; there are many faults and overthrusts, which are mostly the result of Caledonian orogeny. Due to the comprehensive topic, the article focuses only on select fragments from geological history and briefly describes the importance of Scottish geology for the development of science.