Domače branje učencem lahko hitro postane dolgočasno. Z učiteljico slovenščine sva se dogovorili, da bova popestrili domače branje v 6. a-razredu. K branju sva povabili starše, ki so izziv sprejeli. Učenci in starši so prebrali knjigo Nataše Konc Lorenzutti, Avtobus ob treh. Učenci so se v šoli pripravili na srečanje s starši. Pripravili so jim svoj pogled na delo in oblikovali vprašanja, povezana z vsebino, saj so želeli slišati njihovo mnenje. Odraščanje prinaša v medsebojne odnose nove dileme in vprašanja. Kako prav ravnati? V skupnem pogovoru so se prepletala mnenja učencev in staršev. Skupaj so ugotovili, da jim je tak način dela všeč.
Required Reading Can Be Interesting – Reading with Parents
Pupils can get bored quickly with required reading. The Slovenian Language teacher and I decided to make required reading more interesting in class 6 a. We invited the parents to read and they accepted the challenge. The children and their parents read the book by Nataša Konc Lorenzutti, Avtobus ob treh [The Three O’Clock Bus]. At school, the pupils prepared for a meeting with their parents. They prepared their views on the book and formed questions relating to its content, because they wanted to hear their parents’ opinions. As children are growing up, new dilemmas and questions make their way into interpersonal relationships. What is the right course of action? In a discussion between the pupils and the parents their opinions intertwined. Together, they discovered that they like this form of work.