Segrevanje podnebja se ne kaže le na dvigu temperatur zraka, dvigu temperatur celinskih voda in morja, ampak tudi na toplotnih pogojih za rast rastlin. Z višanjem temperatur se podaljšuje obdobje rasti, ki se spomladi začne prej in v jeseni kasneje zaključi, daljša rastna doba pa pomeni tudi večjo vsoto biotemperatur in s tem boljše pogoje za toplotno zahtevnejše vrste rastlin. V prispevku predstavljamo ugotovljene spremembe dolžine rastne dobe za izbrane klimatološke postaje v Sloveniji v štirih klimatoloških obdobjih. Ugotovili smo, da so se dolžine rastne dobe podaljšale za dva tedna ali več, tako za travno kot drevesno rastlinstvo.
Climate Change Indicators: Growing Season Length
Global warming affects not only air, inland waters and sea temperatures but also thermal conditions for plant growth. Temperature rise extends the growing season, which begins earlier in spring and finishes later in autumn. At the same time, a longer growing season results in a higher sum of biotemperature, leading to better conditions for more thermally demanding vegetation. This article presents the observed changes in growing season length for selected climatological stations in Slovenia during four climatological periods, namely that growing season lengths have increased by two weeks or more for both grass and tree species.