Zaradi različnih vzrokov, predvsem pa zaradi sive mrene, marsikoga čaka operativna odstranitev motne naravne leče in vsaditev umetne intraokularne leče – IOL. Če želimo imeti kar najboljši pooperativni vid, je dobro poznati vsaj nekaj podrobnosti in lastnosti tega trajnega umetnega vsadka. Izbira IOL je marsikdaj prepuščena uporabniku, ki je tudi plačnik. Zaradi velikega števila operacij sive mrene poznavanje IOL spada že k splošni izobrazbi, žal pa na tem pomembnem področju avtentičnosti šolska fizika močno šepa. V članku bomo spoznali nekaj osnovnih optičnih lastnosti očesa in najpogostejših IOL. Podrobneje pa si bomo ogledali multifokalne difrakcijske leče, saj je prav tu razkorak med šolskim znanjem fizike in operativno prakso največji.
Diffractive Intraocular Lenses
Due to various reasons, primarily cataracts, many patients will require the surgical removal of the cloudy natural lens and the implantation of an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). If we want the best postoperative vision, some details and features of this permanent artificial implant may prove beneficial. Ultimately, choosing IOL is often up to the user, who is also the payor. Due to numerous cataract surgeries, the knowledge of IOLs is commonplace. However, school physics is struggling in this crucial area of authenticity. This article examines some basic optical properties of the eye and the most common IOLs. The focus is on multifocal diffraction lenses because this is where the gap between school physics and operational practice is the greatest.