Učbenik je eno najpomembnejših učnih sredstev oziroma učil. Kot osnovna šolska knjiga je vezan na predpisani učni načrt in predmetnik, učenci pa ga lahko uporabljajo tako pri pouku kot tudi za samostojno učenje doma. Učbenik za geografijo poleg pisnih informacij s kombinacijo slikovnega gradiva ponuja številne dodatne informacije. V prispevku1 smo se osredotočili na srednješolske učbenike za geografijo s poudarkom na okoljevarstvenih vsebinah v njih. Analizirali smo pet srednješolskih učbenikov za geografijo in o njih pridobili mnenje dijakov, ki jih uporabljajo. Ugotovili smo, da dijaki učbenik večinoma uporabljajo za to, da se z njegovo pomočjo učijo za preizkus znanja, poleg tega v njem iščejo dodatne informacije, s katerimi dopolnjujejo svoje zapiske v šolskem zvezku, nekateri pa ga odprejo tudi zaradi iskanja slikovnega gradiva ali zanimivosti, ki so v njem predstavljene. V vseh učbenikih je veliko slikovnega gradiva, dijaki pa so v glavnem potrdili, da to pripomore k boljšemu razumevanju učne snovi. Okoljevarstvene vsebine v učbeniku za geografijo prebirajo večinoma redko, zanimivosti, ki so povezane z varstvom okolja, pa pogosto. Prav tako pogosto prebirajo razlage strokovnih izrazov, s pomočjo vprašanj v učbeniku pa se redko učijo. Okoljevarstveno besedilo v njih je v glavnem prilagojeno dijakom, tako menijo tudi sami. Med didaktičnimi načeli, ki smo jih v okoljevarstvenih besedilih v učbenikih iskali, izstopa didaktično načelo prostorske razmestitve pojavov in procesov ter njihovih medsebojnih odnosov. Pri iskanju morebitnih medpredmetnih povezav v učbenikih smo največkrat našli povezavo z biologijo, kemijo in fiziko. Tudi dijaki so medpredmetne povezave v veliki meri zaznali. Ker smo raziskovali le učbenike za geografijo založbe Modrijan, lahko raziskava služi kot temelj za morebitne nadaljnje analize v zvezi z učbeniki za geografijo v srednjih šolah in okoljevarstvenimi vsebinami v njih.
Didactic Analysis of Geography Textbooks in Secondary Schools from the Aspect of Environmental Contents
A textbook is one of the most important teaching tools; as a primary workbook in schools, it is vitally connected to the regulatory curriculum. Students can use it during class, as well as for independent work at home. A geography textbook, in addition to written information, gives students many other useful pieces of information with its pictorial material. This paper focuses on secondary school geography textbooks; specifically, it takes a closer look at how environmental contents are presented. Five different secondary school geography textbooks were analysed and the opinions of students who use these textbooks were gathered. It was established that students most often use these textbooks when learning for tests, or for finding additional information to supplement their notes. Some students also use a textbook when they are looking for photographs or interesting information that is presented in them. All of the textbooks contain a great deal of pictorial information. Most students have confirmed that this helps them to better understand the learning material they are given. Students rarely read the invironmental contents that are presented in the textbooks. They do, however, often read interesting information about saving the environment. They also often use textbooks for explanations of technical terms. They rarely use the questions that are presented in the textbooks to study. Students agree that the environmental contents of the textbooks are mostly adapted to their level of understanding. Among the didactic principles looked for in the environmental texts of textbooks, it was established that focus is placed mostly on the principle of the spatial distribution of events and their mutual relations. When looking for crosscurricular links in textbooks, most were found in connection with subjects such as biology, chemistry and physics. The students also noticed the cross-curricular links to a great extent. All of the researched textbooks are published by Modrijan. This research may serve as a foundation for the further analysis of geography textbooks in secondary schools in the light of environmental contents.