Čas epidemije zaradi koronavirusa je predstavljal idealen čas za prenos gradiv s sistema Winknj v Cobiss+. Pridobljeno znanje in veščine sem želela prenesti tudi na svoje učence (posledično še starše in učitelje) in jih opolnomočiti v rabi tega virtualnega sistema, predvsem kako brskati po njem oz. iskati želeno gradivo, še pomembneje pa mi je bilo, naučiti jih izposoje in rezervacije različnih učnih gradiv. V sklopu knjižnično informacijskih ur (KIZ) so usvojili osnovne operacije v Cobiss+ kot tudi pregled izposoje v okolju mojCobiss in aplikaciji mCobiss. Znanje so nadgradili še z osnovnimi informaciji o rabi virtualnih knjižnic in knjigarn, dLib in Biblos.
Cobiss+, Biblos and More
The time of the coronavirus epidemic has proved to be ideal for transferring materials from the Winknj system to Cobiss+. I wanted to pass on the knowledge and skills I have gained to my pupils (and consequently to their parents and teachers) and empower them to use this virtual system, mainly to browse through it or search for material; more importantly, I wanted to teach them how to borrow and reserve various teaching/learning materials. During Library and Information Knowledge (KIZ) lessons they mastered the basic operations in Cobiss+ and reviewing borrowed materials in the mojCobiss environment and in the mCobiss application. They upgraded their knowledge with basic information about using online libraries and bookshops, e.g. dLib and Biblos.