Coaching je oblika partnerskega sodelovanja med coachem in klientom z namenom spodbujanja klientovega osebnega in strokovnega razvoja. V tujini je coaching vedno bolj priznana oblika podpore učiteljem pri njihovem strokovnem razvoju in prinaša spodbudne rezultate. V Sloveniji je takšna oblika strokovnega razvoja na izobraževalnem področju še relativno nepoznana in neraziskana. Članek opisuje razmere v slovenskem izobraževalnem okolju in izzive, s katerimi se učitelji spoprijemajo. Coaching opredeli kot metodo strokovne podpore na izobraževalnem področju. Navedeni so rezultati dosedanjih raziskav o coachingu na tem področju. Opredeljeni so pozitivni učinki izvedbe procesa coachinga in pogoji za uspešno implementacijo te metode.
Coaching as Support System in the Music School Teacher’s Professional Development
Coaching is a partnership between the coach and the client whose purpose is to give the client support in their personal and professional development. Coaching is becoming increasingly more recognised abroad as a form of support for teachers in their professional development, bringing encouraging results. In Slovenia, however, this type of professional development in education is relatively unknown and unexplored. The article describes the situation in the Slovenian educational environment, along with the challenges teachers face. Coaching is seen as a method of professional support in education. This is supported by the results of the existing research relative to coaching in this field, positive effects of coaching and requirements for a successful implementation of the method.