Brezčasna sporočila so tista, ki jih lahko uporabljamo kadarkoli, s komerkoli in kjerkoli na svetu, če imamo primernega sogovornika. Taka sporočila so lahko frazemi – besedne zveze v prenesenem pomenu. Izhajajo iz grške in rimske mitologije, nanašajo se na zgodovinske dogodke in dejstva iz grške in rimske zgodovine, veliko jih izvira iz Svetega pisma in srednjega veka, nastajajo pa tudi v sodobnem času. Uporabni so v vsakdanjem življenju, zasledimo jih v novinarskem jeziku, v političnih pogovorih, srečujemo jih v marketinških oglasih in seveda v književnosti in literaturi. Frazemi so univerzalna govorica, ki imajo enak pomen v vseh jezikih. Eden od temeljev gimnazijske izobrazbe je splošna izobrazba z znanjem, veščinami in kompetencami, ki so uporabni in življenjski. Dijaki morajo frazeme prepoznati in jih predstaviti v realni situaciji. Izberejo lahko poljuben način glede na to, kakšen tip osebnosti so in kakšen način učenja jim ustreza. Njihova ustvarjalnost pri tem nima meja. Tako so nastali spisi, pesmi, haikuji, križanke, rebusi, stripi, sestavljanke, družabne igre, slike, lov za skritim zakladom, snemali so kratke filme. Ko učenje poteka na njim lasten in zabaven način, je posledično znanje samo po sebi umevno.
Timeless Messages
Timeless messages are those that can be used anytime, with anyone and anywhere in the world – provided there is the right person to converse with. These messages can be idioms, i.e. phrases or expressions with a figurative, non-literal meaning. Their origin can be Greek and Roman mythology, in which case they refer to historical events and facts from Greek and Roman history, and many of them also come from the Bible and the Middle Ages, but they continue to be created even today. Idioms are commonly used in everyday life, for example in the press, political speeches, marketing ads, and of course literature. They are a universal language that has the same meaning in all languages. A general over-all education with useful, lifelong knowledge, skills and competences is the cornerstone of the general upper secondary school education. Students are required to identify idioms and apply them to real-life situations. They can select any form depending on their personality and preferred way to learn. Their creativity has no limit – they have created essays, poems, haiku poems, crosswords, rebuses, comics, puzzles, board games, pictures, treasure hunts and short films. When learning in their own and fun ways, they learn easily.