Šolski knjižničarji smo velikokrat organizatorji dogodkov za promocijo branja. V trenutnih razmerah zaradi priporočil NIJZ na teh dogodkih ne moremo gostiti vseh učencev, kot smo jih v preteklosti. Na OŠ Komenda Moste se je knjižničarka odločila uporabiti storitve, ki jih Arnes brezplačno omogoča lastnikom AAI-računa. Prenos v živo je Arnesova storitev, ki je namenjena organizacijam in posameznikom, ki želijo organizirane dogodke prenašati v živo prek spleta. Uporaba je za lastnike AAI-računa enostavna in brezplačna. Za prenos je potreben le računalnik ali pametni telefon z mikrofonom in kamero in program za prenašanje v živo.
Will the School’s Cultural Event Be Broadcast Live?
School librarians are often the organizers of reading promotion events. Under the current circumstances and in accordance with recommendations from the National Institute of Public Health, we cannot host all the pupils at such events, as was customary in the past. The librarian at the Komenda Moste Primary School has decided to use the free services provided by Arnes to holders of the AAI account. A live broadcast is a service provided by Arnes that is intended for organizations and individuals who want to broadcast organized events live over the Internet. The service is easy to use and free for holders of the AAI account. All you need for the broadcast is a computer or smartphone with a microphone and camera, and live broadcasting software.