Ivan Cankar v obdobju po prehodu iz naroda v nacijo oz. po sedemindvajsetih letih lastne državnosti zaseda položaj drugega kulturnega svetnika, takoj za Francetom Prešernom. Čeprav je zapustil Slovencem impozanten literarni opus, zajet v tridesetih knjigah zbranega dela, in je še vedno najpomembnejši slovenski pisatelj in še zlasti dramatik, pa je tudi v srednješolskih berilih po številu objavljenih besedilnih enot na drugem mestu. V prvih desetletjih dvajsetega stoletja so nekateri sestavljavci beril za šolsko rabo prezahtevna Cankarjeva besedila krajšali, cenzurirali ali celo potvarjali (npr. Brinarjev poseg v konec črtice Mater je zatajil, s katerim je izmaličil končno sporočilo in bralčevo doživljanje). Cankarjeva šolska besedila so še vedno presenetljivo aktualna, tako tista pozabljena (npr. črtice Majsko veselje, Istrski osel in Peter Klepec ter kratek roman Nina) kot tista, ki so še vedno prisotna v vseh učnih načrtih (npr. avtobiografski roman Na klancu, ki ga lahko beremo tudi kot zavračanje permisivne vzgoje). Vsekakor nam tematsko, žanrsko in slogovno izjemno pester Cankarjev opus ponuja mnogo možnosti za problemski pristop do leposlovnega besedila. Delovni zvezek za domače branje Poljub zlata na tak način predstavlja tri Cankarjeve ključne romane, dve simbolični povesti in dve dramski besedili. Ob stoti obletnici književnikove smrti se pojavljajo tudi nove priredbe njegovih najbolj znanih besedil (npr. stripovske izdaje cikla črtic Moje življenje, povesti Hlapec Jernej in njegova pravica in drame Hlapci). Te ilustrirane izdaje, namenjene predvsem mlajšim bralcem, nedvomno utrjujejo Cankarjev kanonski položaj, imajo pa tudi pomanjkljivosti in predvsem nikakor ne morejo nadomestiti poglobljenega branja izvirnika.
The Words of Ivan Cankar on the School Desk
Ivan Cankar has become the second most important cultural icon, following France Prešeren, in the period after Slovenia gained its independence or after 27 years of the country’s independence. Even though he left behind an impressive literary opus comprising thirty complete works and is still the most important Slovenian author, dramatist in particular, he occupies the second place in secondary school readers according to the number of the published text units. During the first decades of the twentieth century, certain creators of school readers shortened, censored or even rewrote some of the author’s texts that were considered as too demanding (e.g. the alteration, made by Brinar, of the ending of the sketch Mater je zatajil (He Denied His Own Mother), which distorted the final message and changed the reader’s experience). The texts by Ivan Cankar used in schools are still surprisingly current, both the forgotten ones (e.g. the sketches Majsko veselje, Istrski osel and Peter Klepec, the short novel Nina) as well as those that are still included in every school curriculum (e.g. the authobiographical novel Na klancu (On the Hill), which can also be interpreted as rejecting permissive education). In any case, Ivan Cankar’s literary opus offers a multitude of possibilities, in terms of topics, genres and styles, for a problem-based learning approach to belletristic literature. One such example is the required reading workbook for the work Poljub zlata (The Kiss of Gold), which introduces three key novels written by Cankar: two symbolic tales and two dramatic texts. At the time of the hundredth anniversary of his death, new adaptations of his most famous works are emerging (e.g. the comic versions of the collection of sketches Moje življenje (My Life), the tale Hlapec Jernej in njegova pravica (The Bailiff Yerney and his Rights) and the drama Hlapci (Farmhands)). These illustrated editions, intended primarily for young readers, undoubtedly reinforce Ivan Cankar’s canonical position; however, they also have their weaknesses and, most of all, they cannot in any way substitute an in-depth study of the originals.