Avtor je v prispevku na podlagi izbrane literature, dnevnikov in spominov predstavil pregled pomembnejših dogodkov in lokacij na soškem bojišču, v katerih so sodelovali vojaki avstro-ogrske armade iz slovenskih nabornih območij. Posebno pozornost je posvetil bivalnim razmeram in vsakdanjemu življenju v strelskih jarkih. V prvi bojni črti so bile življenjske razmere izjemno slabe, primanjkovalo je vode, širile so se različne bolezni in človeško življenje je v spopadih izgubljalo vrednost. V bojih so bili na obeh straneh bojne črte zajeti številni ujetniki, ki so v zaledju kot prisilni delavci nadomeščali pomanjkanje delovne sile. Zaradi vojne je moralo domove v treh večjih begunskih valovih zapustiti prek 100.000 ljudi. Četrti val pa je sledil preboju fronte, ki je bojno črto premaknila na reko Piavo.
»Wretched Cover Beneath the Plateau just above the Soča River«: in the Trenches of the Soča (Isonzo) front 1915–1917
Based on select literature, diaries and memoirs, the author of the paper presents a review of the more important events and locations on the Isonzo Front in which soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Army, coming from Slovenian recruitment zones, took part. He devoted special attention to the living conditions and everyday life in the trenches. On the front lines the living conditions were incredibly poor; there was a shortage of water, various diseases were spreading and human life began to lose value in the conflicts. In battle many prisoners were captured on both sides of the front line and had to perform forced labour in the hinterland to make up for the shortage of labour force. Because of the war over one hundred thousand people had to abandon their homes in three larger refugee waves. The fourth wave followed the breakthrough on the front, which moved the front line to the Piave River.