Srednješolska astronomija je postala izbirni predmet v tretjem letniku gimnazij že s sprejetjem učnega načrta pred desetletjem. Dostopne opreme za njen eksperimentalni izvedbeni del je na tržišču več kot dovolj. Opisujemo primer uporabe merilnega okularja, ki lahko takim nočnim (ali dnevnim pri opazovanju Sonca) eksperimentalnim aktivnostim dijakov da nov zagon.
Exercises in Astronomy Using Eyepiece
Astronomy was first offered as an elective in the third year of grammar schools when the curriculum was adopted a decade ago. There is an abundance of equipment for astronomy experiments available on the market. This article illustrates a potential use of an eyepiece that can add a new impetus to night-time (or, in the event of solar observation, daytime) experimental activities for students.