Zavedajoč se, da je komuniciranje v vsaki organizaciji zelo pomembno, v članku še posebej predstavljamo pomen in značilnosti asertivnega komuniciranja ter njegov vpliv na izboljšanje odnosov in uspešno reševanje konfliktov. Navedeno velja tudi za vzgojno-izobraževalne zavode oziroma njihove organizacijske enote, ki so bili vključeni v študijo našega primera. V njih smo namreč s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika v okviru programa Šole za ravnatelje in ravnateljski izpit analizirali prisotnost različnih oblik komuniciranja med učitelji in učiteljicami, pri čemer smo bili še posebno pozorni na asertivno komuniciranje. Glede na značilnosti asertivnega komuniciranja, ki dokazano ugodno vpliva na razvoj socialnih kompetenc učencev, menimo, da bi morala vodstva šol tak način komuniciranja spodbujati, učitelje in učiteljice pa še bolj opolnomočiti zanj.
Assertive Communication
Through recognizing that communication is of great importance in any organisation, this article discusses the significance and characteristics of assertive communication, as well as its impact on improving relations and succeeding in conflict-resolutions. This also applies to the educational institutions and their organisational units of our case study. It was there that, by means of a questionnaire within the National School for Leadership and its Education and the Headship Licence Programme, we analysed the presence of various communication styles among teachers, paying special attention to assertive communication. Given the characteristics of assertive communication, which has been shown to have a beneficial effect on the development of pupils’ social skills, it is our belief that school leadership should promote this style of communication and further empower teachers to employ it.