Arheologija v šoli

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Živimo v stalnem pričakovanju sprememb, istočasno pa se jih bojimo. Nihamo med hrepenenjem in zakonitostmi, o katerih nas uči preteklost. Morda je to razlog, da si v šolskem prostoru včasih ne upamo več. Strah pred spremembami lahko premagamo le s skupnimi močmi in sodelovanjem, ki nam daje oporo in pogum. Preteklost nas uči, da rešitev ne moremo pričakovati nekje od zunaj, temveč jih moramo oblikovati znotraj sebe. V pomoč za razumevanje preteklosti nam je arheologija, ki pa je bila doslej zaprta v lastne sfere. S projektom Arheologija v šoli smo pokazali, kako se učni proces in arheologija učinkovito dopolnjujeta. Rezultat pa je učinkovito privzgajanje pozitivnega odnosa do kulturne dediščine in senzibiliziranje mladih za to področje.


Archaeology in School

We are constantly anticipating change, but at the same time fearing it. We are wavering between longing and the laws we have been taught by the past. Perhaps that is why we sometimes no longer dare to take risks in school. We can overcome the fear of change only by joining forces and working together, thus acquiring the needed support and courage. The past teaches us that we cannot expect solutions to appear from outside, but from within. Helping us to understand the past is archaeology, which has until now been closed off in its own sphere. The Archaeology in School project demonstrated how the teaching process and archaeology complement one another effectively. The end result is the effective imparting of a positive attitude towards cultural heritage and the sensitising of young people in that regard.