Anketa o reviji Geografija v šoli

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Da bi izboljšali kakovost revije Geografija v šoli, smo decembra 2015 opravili krajšo anketo med bralci oziroma naročniki revije. Želeli smo izvedeti, kako so uporabniki zadovoljni z njo, kaj jih moti in kaj nam priporočajo za izboljšanje. Nekateri predlogi so težje rešljivi, nekatere pa bo uredništvo skušalo postopoma realizirati.


Questionnaire about the Geography in School Journal

In order to improve the quality of the Geography in School journal, we conducted a short survey among the readers or subscribers to this journal in December 2015. We wished to determine how satisfied users are with the journal, what bothers them, and what improvements they recommend. Certain suggestions will be more difficult to implement, whereas some of them the editorial board will try to realise gradually.