V prispevku predstavimo algoritmično mišljenje, ki je pogosto pri pouku matematike, četudi se vselej tega ne zavedamo. Izpostavimo ga pri treh uporabnih primerih iz vsebin o zaporedjih, ki si sledijo po težavnosti in vpetosti v okolje. Omenimo prednosti in slabosti izpostavljanja algoritmičnega mišljenja pri pouku matematike z uporabo digitalnih tehnologij pri reševanju uporabnih primerov.
Algorithmic Thinking for Sequences in Everyday Life
The paper introduces algorithmic thinking, a concept frequently present in mathematics lessons, although not always apparent. Three pertinent examples from the content on sequences are used to bring attention to it, and they follow each other in terms of difficulty and real-world relevance. We discuss the benefits and drawbacks of introducing algorithmic thinking in mathematics lessons employing digital technologies to solve practical problems.