50. revija Ciciban poje in pleše

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Revija Ciciban poje in pleše bi se letos odvila že 50. leto zapored. Gre za tradicionalno prireditev vrtcev iz Maribora in okolice, na kateri se v okviru dveh koncertov v Veliki dvorani SNG Maribor predstavijo predšolski pevski zbori in plesne skupine. Vsako leto nastopa več kot 600 predšolskih otrok. Prireditev snema RTV SLO, RC Maribor in jo predvaja na TV MB in TV SLO. Prireditev organizacijsko vodi Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti – Območna izpostava Maribor v sodelovanju s Skupnostjo vrtcev Maribor.


50th Edition of the Event Ciciban poje in pleše

The event Ciciban poje in pleše, which traditionally brings together kindergartens from Maribor and the region, will be held for the 50th time this year. It takes place in the Great Hall of the Slovenian National Theatre Maribor, where two concerts are organized for preschool children choirs and dance groups. Over 600 preschool children participate every year. The event is broadcast by RTV SLO, RC Maribor and shown on TV MB and TV SLO. The organization is managed by the Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia, Maribor Regional Branch, with the cooperation of Maribor Kindergarten Community.