Zgodovinsko in socialno ozadje Cankarjevega romana Na klancu – timsko poučevanje učiteljev zgodovine in slovenščine

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V prispevku je predstavljeno timsko poučevanje na temo Zgodovinsko in socialno ozadje Cankarjevega romana Na klancu. Dijaki so za izbirno domače branje v 3. letniku gimnazije prebrali roman Na klancu, pri zgodovini pa obravnavali učni sklop Agrarna kriza in izseljevanje. V dveh urah timskega pouka sva učitelja povezala vsebine iz zgodovine in slovenščine, tako da so dijaki z delom v skupinah ob izbranih odlomkih iz romana prepoznavali zgodovinske in družbene značilnosti ob koncu 19. stoletja na Slovenskem (kot so jih spoznali že pri pouku zgodovine). Hkrati so tudi vrednotili zgodovinske razmere in dejanja literarnih oseb, razmišljali o problematiki izseljevanja nekoč in danes ter aktualizirali današnje dogajanje v svetu. Za predstavitev vsebin, splošnih in operativnih ciljev pri timskem poučevanju sva se naslonila na učna načrta za zgodovino in slovenščino v gimnazijah.


The Historical and Social Background of Cankar’s Novel Na klancu – Team Teaching by History and Slovene Teachers

The article presents team teaching based on the topic of historical and social background of Ivan Cankar’s novel Na klancu (On the hill). Third-year students read the novel as required reading at home, while in the same period learning about the topic of Agricultural crisis and emigration. In the two hours of team teaching, the teachers interlaced the contents from Slovene and history lessons, so that the students, working in groups, received selected excerpts from the novel and learned about historical and social characteristics at the end of the 19th century in the Slovene territory (as previously learned about at history class). At the same time, they discussed the historical situation and the actions of literary characters, they contemplated the problem of emigration in the past as well as today, and linked everything with current world events. The teachers based their topic presentation as well as general and operative objectives of team teaching on the syllabi for history and Slovene in general upper secondary schools.