Zgodovina na maturi 2012–2018

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S statistično in vsebinsko analizo splošne mature iz predmeta zgodovina od uvedbe posodobljenih učnih načrtov 2011 je Državna predmetna komisija splošne mature za zgodovino želela pobliže predstaviti izsledke za profesorje zgodovine. Poudarki v analizi so bili: – ali obstajajo razlike med polami obče in narodne zgodovine z vidika težavnosti in dosežkov dijakov; – priporočila državne predmetne komisije glede na ugotovitve pri svojem delu; – katere so najpogostejše napake dijakov pri odgovarjanju v maturitetnih polah; – opažanja oziroma povratna informacija zunanjih ocenjevalcev. Statistični podatki in povratne informacije s strani zunanjih ocenjevalcev prek izpolnjenih vprašalnikov so pokazali, da so izpitne pole uravnotežene in ni večjih oziroma omembe vrednih razlik v povprečnih odstotnih točkah med polama. V tem trenutku bi bila temeljna navodila Državne predmetne komisije za zgodovino srednješolskim profesorjem, da še naprej posvečajo čas delu z zgodovinskimi viri (zemljevidi, slikami, karikaturami, besedili itd.). Hkrati pa pozivamo profesorje, da z dijaki več pozornosti posvečajo natančnemu branju navodil pri posameznih nalogah. Hkrati pa je treba dijake opozoriti, da je kljub dodatnemu gradivu v izpitnih polah še vedno treba znati določene temeljne zgodovinske pojme in osebnosti.


History Exam at the European Baccalaureate 2012–2018

The State Board of Examiners for History exam at the European Baccalaureate performed a statistical and content analysis of the European Baccalaureate History Exam since the implementation of updated curricula in 2011 in order to give a better presentation of the findings to history professors. The analysis included the following main points: – Are there any differences between the exam sheets of World History and Slovenian History in terms of difficulty and students’ achievements; – The recommendations of the State Board of Examiners based on their findings; – What are the students’ most common mistakes in answering the questions of the European Baccalaureate; The observations and feedback from external evaluators. The statistical data and feedback from external evaluator provided through questionnaires showed that the exam sheets are balanced and that there are no significant or noteworthy differences in the average percentage points between both exams. At this particular time, the main instructions of the State Board of Examiners for History exam given to secondary school professors would be to continue focusing on working with historical sources (maps, pictures, caricatures, texts, etc.). At the same time, they should give more attention to precise reading of instructions for each task. Also, the students should be reminded that despite the additional material provided with the exam sheets, they must nevertheless show their knowledge of certain fundamental historical concepts and historical figures.