Zgodba dveh šol – majhne in velike

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V zgodbah dveh šol, majhne in velike, bomo spoznali njune težave in pristope k njihovemu reševanju. Na obeh so potrebovali zunanjega »človeka«, ki jim je prinesel šilce »ruma« za pogum in vizijo, kako naprej. Oboji so, ko je bilo treba prestopiti pedagoški rubikon, obstali; reke so se ustrašili, mostu pa ni bilo! Zgodovinski pogled izpričuje, da sta se zgodbi dobro in uspešno končali. In to predvsem zato, ker sta bila kolektiva zmožna narediti korake v pravo smer, čeprav je bila reka sprva hladna in odbijajoča. Oba kolektiva sta bila vztrajna in sta dosegla – danes temu učeno rečemo – trajnostni razvoj. Šoli še dandanes brez večjih težav krmarita v slovenskem morju osnovnošolskega izobraževanja.



The Stories of Two Schools – The Small and the Big

In the stories of two schools, the small and the big, we will learn of their problems and approaches to solving these problems. Both required an external ‘person’ who brought them a ‘shot of rum’ for courage and their vision going forward. At the point where the Rubicon of education had to be crossed, they both froze; they got intimidated by the river, and there was no bridge! A historical retrospect attests to good and successful endings to both stories. These happened mainly due to the two faculties being able to take steps in the right direction, even though the river was cold and foreboding at first. Both faculties persisted and achieved – what we call today in a learned way – sustainable development. To this day, both schools still have little trouble navigating the see of Slovenian elementary education.