Zavedanje pomena razvoja in kakovosti šolskega prostora je nesporno povezano z vidikom družbene odgovornosti in integritete. V šolskem prostoru pa še zmeraj prepogosto pozabljamo na enega izmed ključnih dejavnikov, ki lahko negativno vpliva na temeljna koncepta sodobnega delovanja organizacij – in sicer na pomen zavedanja nasprotja interesov. V članku tako predstavljamo normativni okvir in dejansko ugotovljene nepravilnosti s strani Komisije za preprečevanje korupcije in Inšpektorata RS za šolstvo, pri čemer v zaključku podajamo smernice za zakonito, strokovno in učinkovito dnevno ravnanje, ki ne bo v nasprotju z zakonodajo ali etičnimi normami.
Awareness of the Importance of Conflicts of Interest in the School Environment
Awareness of the importance of the development and quality of the school environment is undeniably linked to social responsibility and integrity. However, one of the key factors that can have a negative impact on the fundamental concepts of modern organisational functioning is still too often overlooked in school environment, namely, the importance of being aware of conflicts of interest. The article therefore presents the normative framework and the actual irregularities identified by the Corruption Prevention Commission and the Education Inspectorate, concluding with guidelines for legal, professional and effective day-to-day conduct that does not contradict the law or the ethical norms.