Nenehne spremembe so globalni trend, ki vpliva na organizacije v zasebnem in javnem sektorju. V okolju vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov bi lahko kot odgovor na spremembe uporabili koncepta učeče se organizacije in organizacijskega učenja, pri čemer je namen članka predstaviti koncepta v teoriji in praksi (model FUTURE-o) ter izboljšave, ki so povezane z motiviranjem, komuniciranjem, sodelovanjem in timskim delom pri poučevanju. Avtorja bova s pregledom literature in sekundarnimi podatki prikazala učečo se organizacijo in organizacijsko učenje. Rezultati kažejo, da sta navkljub zanimanju za oba koncepta v teoriji v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih slabo zastopana. Zgodovinsko je bilo poučevanje precej neodvisno od sprememb v zunanjem okolju, a zdi se, da se bodo morali tudi vzgojno-izobraževalni zavodi prilagoditi trenutnim razvojnim smernicam. Avtorja bralcem predlagava razmislek glede uvedbe učeče se organizacije in organizacijskega učenja v poučevanje, pri tem pa morajo organizacije najprej definirati, kateri tip učeče se organizacije je zanje primeren in katerega potrebujejo.
The Educational Institution as a Learning Organisation
Continuous changes are a global trend that affects organisations in both the private and public sectors. Within the framework of educational institutions, the concepts of a learning organisation and organisational learning could be used in response to these changes, which is why this article aims to explain these two concepts in theory and practice (FUTURE-o model), together with improvements regarding motivation, communication, collaboration and teamwork in teaching. The authors of the article will present the learning organisation and organisational learning through literature review and secondary data. The findings show that, despite the interest in both of these concepts as shown in theory and practice, the two remain poorly represented in educational institutions. Even though, historically speaking, teaching used to be fairly independent of changes in the external environment, it seems now that educational institutions will have to adapt to the current development trends as well. The authors invite the readers to contemplate the implementation of a learning organisation and organisational learning in teaching, where it is necessary that the organisations first define what type of the learning organisation is suitable and needed for them.