Vpliv namiznih iger na otrokov razvoj in primer igre

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Z otrokovo rastjo se razvija njegovo kognitivno mišljenje, k čemur lahko veliko pripomorejo tudi namizne igre. V članku opisujemo, na katera področja otrokovega razvoja lahko takšne igre vplivajo in kaj pomeni, da je igra kakovostna. V nadaljevanju opišemo primer novejše namizne igre z naslovom Patchwork, ki je primerna za otroke od 8. leta starosti.


Role of Board Games on the Child’s Development with a Board Game Example

In the process of growing up, the child’s cognitive thinking is developing as well and board games can play an important role in this development. The article explains which areas of the child’s development can be influenced by playing board games and provides a description of a quality board game. An example is also given of a more recent board game called Patchwork, appropriate for children aged 8 and up.