Vpliv izvedbe in vodenja intervencijskega treninga z učenci z disleksijo na samozaznavo krepitve profesionalnih kompetenc specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov

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Pridobljena dodatna funkcionalna znanja z možnostjo samozaznave in samorefleksije so bistvena za krepitev profesionalnih kompetenc učiteljev in drugih strokovnih delavcev ter za učinkovito vodenje učencev. V raziskavi nas je zanimal vpliv izvedbe in vodenja intervencijskega treninga metakognitivnih bralnih strategij, ki ga je tri mesece izvajalo 29 specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov z učenci, na samozaznavo krepitve profesionalnih kompetenc znotraj procesa dodatne strokovne pomoči. Podatke smo zbrali z anketnim evalvacijskim vprašalnikom, ki smo ga oblikovali za potrebe raziskave. Izsledki raziskave kažejo, da specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi ob izvajanju in vodenju intervencijskega treninga poročajo o izboljšanju profesionalnih kompetenc zlasti na področjih krepitve lastnih metakognitivnih spretnosti in krepitve samoregulacijskega učenja, manj pa na področju strukturiranega in samokontroliranega poučevanja. Ugotovitve raziskave lahko služijo razmisleku o pomenu samozaznave in samorefleksije profesionalnih kompetenc specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov pri izvedbi in vodenju dodatne strokovne pomoči ter pri načrtovanju in izvedbi prihodnjih korektivno intervencijsko-kompenzatornih treningov.


How the implementation and leadership of intervention training with dyslexic students influences the self-perception of strengthened professional competencies of special education and rehabilitation teachers

Acquired additional functional skills, which foster self-perception and self-reflection, are essential for strengthening the professional competencies of teachers and other professionals and for effective leadership of students. In the research we investigated how the implementation and leadership of intervention training of metacognitive reading strategies, conducted with students for three months by 29 special education and rehabilitation teachers, influenced the self-perception of strengthened professional competencies in the process of additional professional assistance. Data were collected with an evaluation questionnaire, designed specifically for this research. The results of the research indicate that special education and rehabilitation teachers report the improvement of their professional competencies when conducting and leading the intervention training, mainly in the field of strengthening their own metacognitive skills and self-regulated learning, and less in the field of structured and self-controlled teaching. The findings of this research can be used to reflect on the importance of self-perception and self-reflection of professional competencies of special education and rehabilitation teachers when conducting and leading additional professional assistance and when planning and conducting future corrective intervention compensatory trainings.