V članku bomo prikazali, kako podpora vodstva gimnazije in gimnazijskega vzdrževalca informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT) vpliva na kognitivne in vedenjske namene gimnazijskih učiteljev pri poglobljeni rabi IKT pri pouku. Poglobljena raba IKT pomeni uporabo na več kot le osnovni ravni. Učitelji bi morali v procesu učenja in poučevanja več in kompleksneje uporabljati IKT. Izobraževanje z IKT je za dijake nujno, saj jih vzgaja v kritične državljane informacijske družbe. Metodološko smo za raziskavo uporabili okvir združenega modela sprejete tehnologije in potrjenih pričakovanj, ki smo jim dodali vpliv parametrov gimnazijsko vodstvo in vzdrževalec IKT. Podatke smo obdelali z metodo linearnih strukturnih enačb, s tehniko PLS. Rezultati so pokazali, da je vpliv vzdrževalca IKT na poglobljeno rabo IKT neposreden in za uporabo IKT pri učiteljih odločilen; vodstvo gimnazije ima na vzdrževalca IKT neposreden vpliv, na rabo IKT pri učiteljih pa posrednega.
The Impact of School Leadership on the Use of ICT by Teachers in Upper Secondary General Schools
This article will show how the support provided by school leaderships and information and communication technology (ICT) maintenance providers in upper secondary general schools affects the cognitive and behavioural aims of high school teachers in their in-depth use of ICT in class. During the learning and teaching process, teachers should use ICT more and in ways that are more complex. For students, ICT-assisted education is necessary, since it raises them to be judicious citizens of the information society. In terms of methodology, this study used a combined framework of technology acceptance model and expectation confirmation theory complemented by the effect of the school leadership and ict maintenance worker parameters. The data were analysed using linear structural equation modelling, with the pls technique. Our results have shown that the ict maintenance provider has a direct and decisive impact on the in-depth use of ICT by teachers; meanwhile, the school leadership exercises direct influence over the ict maintenance provider and has an indirect impact on the in-depth ICT use by teachers.