Vojna piše usode ljudi v govornih nastopih srednješolcev

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V šolskem letu 2018/2019 sem pri pouku slovenščine dijake spodbujala, da bi z govornimi nastopi utrdili in nadgradili že pridobljeno znanje zgodovine in slovenščine. S samostojnimi nastopi so izpostavili tudi svoje mnenje o dogodkih prve in druge svetovne vojne, predvsem so se obrnili na ljudi in njihovo trpljenje ter močno voljo, da z vzravnano glavo spet zagledajo svoj dom. Tako so ostali nesmrtni pričevalci tistega dela zgodovine, ki našim srednješolcem ni blizu, to je tisti del, ob katerem jim zmanjka besed. Z literarnimi in strokovnimi deli smo izpostavili žensko taborišče Ravensbück, posebno pozornost pa namenili nečloveškim medicinskim poskusom, zajčkom, ki bi jih morali nacisti dokončno uničiti. Ljudje so tisti, ki naredijo zgodovino popolno. Njihove usode pišejo zgodovino in izpopolnijo literarna dela.


War Shapes People’s Destinies in Students‘ Oral Performances

In the 2018/2019 academic year, I encouraged the students in my Slovenian classes to reinforce and upgrade their acquired knowledge of History and Slovenian through oral performances. By giving independent oral performances, they also had the opportunity to express their opinions on the World War 1 and 2 events, especially with regard to the people, their suffering and their strong will power to return to their homes with dignity. This allowed them to serve as immortal witnesses of the part of history that remains distant to our secondary school students – the part where they are usually speechless. Using literary and scientific works, we focused in greater detail on the women’s concentration camp Ravensbück, with a special emphasis on inhumane medical testing on victims that the Nazis wanted to completely destroy. People are the ones who make history perfect. Their destinies become historical stories that complete literary works.