Umetnost je pomemben dejavnik v razvoju otrok in mladine, saj jih gradi, oblikuje njihov čustveni svet, bogati doživljanje, ustvarjalnost, skratka, sooblikuje osebnost posameznika. Dobro sodelovanje med šolo in domom – med učitelji in starši – sodi med pomembne kazalce kakovostnega vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela. Članek obravnava pomen partnerskega odnosa med šolo in domom pri izobraževanju glasbeno in plesno talentiranih otrok ter kako se to sodelovanje konkretno uresničuje v glasbeni šoli. Ta namreč ponuja veliko neformalnih oblik sodelovanja. Na podlagi lastne prakse bom v prispevku konkretizirala različne oblike sodelovanja med glasbeno šolo in domom ter kako se to sodelovanje uresničuje v Glasbeni šoli Gornja Radgona.
The Role and Participation of Parents in the Education of Musically and Dance Gifted Children
Art is an important factor in the development of children and young people. Through art, they create themselves, form their emotional world, enrich their experiences and imagionation; in short, art is a co-creator of their personality. A good school-home relationship, meaning a good cooperation between teachers and parents, is one of the important indicators of a quality educational work. The article discusses the importance of the partnership between the school and the home environment in the education of musically and dance gifted children, and the way this partnership is accomplished in reality at a music school. The music school namely offers multiple types of in formal cooperation. It is my intention to present in this article, by using the example of my own practice, various forms of cooperation between the music school and the home environment, and the way this cooperation is realized at the Gornja Radgona music school.