Vloga šolskega svetovalnega delavca pri delu z učenci begunci in priseljenci

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Članek obravnava vlogo šolske svetovalne službe pri vključevanju učencev priseljencev v vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove. Njegovo izhodišče sta predstavitvi izkušenj dveh osnovnih šol, med katerima se ena osredinja na vključevanje učencev beguncev, druga pa na vključevanje učencev priseljencev na splošno. Strokovni viri se običajno osredinjajo na vlogo šol in učiteljev, precej redkeje na vlogo svetovalnih delavcev, zato članek skuša zapolniti del te vrzeli. Avtorice na podlagi analiziranih primerov ter upoštevajoč siceršnje programske smernice za delo svetovalnih služb oblikujejo nekaj sugestij, ki lahko tudi drugim šolam in vrtcem služijo kot podlaga za opredelitev njihovih vlog. Svetovalnega delavca vidijo kot organizatorja in koordinatorja vključevanja, kot podpornika učiteljem in učencem priseljencem ter kot evalvatorja udejanjanja inkluzivne šolske kulture.


School Counsellor’s Role in Working with Refugee and Immigrant Pupils

This article discusses the role of the school counselling service in the inclusion of immigrant pupils in educational institutions. It opens with a presentation of the experiences of two primary schools, with one of them focusing on the inclusion of refugee children, and the other on the inclusion of immigrant pupils in general. Professional sources usually focus on the role of schools and teachers, seldom on the role of counsellors, which is why this article attempts to fill part of the gap. Based on the analysed examples and taking into account the programme guidelines for the work of counselling services, the authors have prepared a few suggestions that other schools and kindergartens could use as a basis for defining their roles. The authors regard a counsellor as the organiser and coordinator of inclusion, as a supporter of teachers and immigrant pupils, and as an evaluator of the implementation of an inclusive school culture.