Vloga ravnatelja v razvojnih projektih

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Razvojni projekt vpliva na kakovost vzgojno izobraževalnega procesa v šoli oz. vrtcu, če je le-ta povezan z razvojnimi prioritetami zavoda. V članku je izpostavljena ravnateljeva vloga pri sprejemanju odločitve o vključitvi v projekt ter koordiniranje procesov razvojnega in letnega načrtovanja ter samoevalviranja učinkov projekta v praksi. Ob vključitvi v projekt je ključen ravnateljev razmislek o sestavi projektnega tima, lastni vlogi in aktivnostih v projektu, ter kazalnikih in dokazih, na katere se bo osredotočal pri spremljanju poteka projekta. Med trajanjem projekta je pomemben sprotni ravnateljev vpogled in usmerjanje projektnega tima, tako z vidika dosežkov oz. rezultatov, kot z vidika zaznanih skupinskih procesov in klime v timu. Trajnost učinkov projekta je odvisna od uspešnosti mreženja novosti na celoten kolektiv. Poleg zagotavljanja pogojev za pretok informacij o projektnih aktivnostih v kolektivu, je potrebno ravnateljevo spodbujanje strokovnih delavcev k raznolikim oblikam usposabljanja in učenja drug od drugega.


The role of a headteacher in development projects

A development project affects the quality of education process in a school or kindergarten if it is connected with the institution’s development priorities. The article highlights the headteacher’s role in making the decision to join the project and in coordinating the process of development and annual planning as well as self-evaluation of the project’s effects in practice. When joining the project, the headteacher’s reflection on the composition of the project team is crucial as well as his or her own role and activities in the project, the indicators and evidence he or she would focus on when monitoring the progress of the project. During the project, the headteacher’s ongoing insight and guidance of the project team is important, both from the point of view of achievements and results, and from the perspective of perceived group processes and climate in the team. The sustainability of the project impact depends on the success of networking the innovation to involve all education staff. In addition to ensuring the conditions for the flow of information about project activities in the team, the headteacher’s encouragement of education staff to enroll in various forms of training and learning from each other is necessary.