V članku avtorice razmišljamo o tem, kaj botruje manjši udeležbi staršev na izobraževanjih v vrtcih in šolah, če jo primerjamo z drugimi oblikami sodelovanja, kot so roditeljski sestanki, individualni pogovori, delavnice za starše, zaključne prireditve . . . V nadaljevanju predstavljamo primere izobraževanja staršev (Šola za starše) v dveh vrtcih in dveh osnovnih šolah. Primeri so nam služili za pregled trenutne prakse in za oblikovanje skupnih ugotovitev in izhodišč pri iskanju rešitev na tem področju delovanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih organizacij. Za pomoč pri delu smo pripravile anketni vprašalnik za starše. Ankete smo pregledale in ovrednotile. Rezultate smo primerjale s trenutnim sodelovanjem staršev na izobraževanjih za starše in ugotovile, kateri dejavniki vplivajo na njihovo majhno udeležbo. Preverile smo njihova pričakovanja in potrebe. Na podlagi analize stanja smo pripravile izobraževanje za starše in pri tem upoštevale njihove predloge. Učinkovitost bomo sproti preverjale in uspešne pristope obdržale. V celoten proces bomo vključile tudi strokovne delavce vrtcev in šol.
Head Teacher’s Role in Strengthening the Collaboration with Parents
In this article we examine what it is that causes a lower participation of parents in parent education programmes within kindergartens and schools in comparison to other forms of cooperation, such as parental meetings, individual conversations, parenting workshops, closing events . . . Later, we present some examples of parent education programmes (called School for Parents) in two kindergartens and two elementary schools. These examples were used to review the current practice and formulate common findings and bases for finding solutions within this field of activity of educational institutions. We prepared a questionnaire for parents to help with this. First, their responses were reviewed and evaluated. Then the results were compared with the current parental involvement in parent education programmes and used to identify the factors that contribute to lower participation. Furthermore, we investigated parents’ expectations and needs. Based on the analysis of the situation, we devised a parent education programme by taking parents’ suggestions into account. Its efficiency will be monitored regularly and successful approaches will be maintained. The process as a whole will also involve the teaching staff of kindergartens and schools.