Vladimir Bartol: Alamut (1939)

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V prispevku so ponujene vaje, s katerimi lahko dijake vodimo po Bartolovem romanu Alamut. Možno jih je uporabiti kot delovni list bodisi za domačno nalogo bodisi za delo pri pouku. Nastale so ob pripravi za delo z dijaki v četrtem letniku programa gimnazija za predpisani maturitetni tematski sklop 2017.


Vladimir Bartol: Alamut (1939)

This paper offers exercises with which we can guide secondary school students through Bartol’s novel Alamut. They can be used as worksheets for homework or for work during lessons. They were created while preparing for work with secondary school students in the fourth year of the general secondary school programme for the prescribed thematic set in the 2017 matura examination.