Že leta 1916 je nemški pesnik in ustanovitelj gibanja Dada Hugo Ball dejal, da sta beseda in slika eno in da slikar in pesnik spadata skupaj, a redko se zgodi, da bi v vsakdanjem življenju o tem zares podrobno razmišljali. Če pogledamo proces na polju oblikovanja vizualnih komunikacij, vidimo, da je lahko vključenih zelo veliko deležnikov, kar dela proces večplasten in kompleksen ter zahteva veliko bolj ali manj informiranih odločitev. Mreža kriterijev, ki opredeljujejo kakovostno sobivanje verbalnega in vizualnega, zajema številna strokovna področja, vse od tipografi je, grafičnega oblikovanja, ilustracije, fotografije, jezikoslovja, barvne in likovne teorije, uporabniške izkušnje pa do psihologije. Članek bo na eni strani prek predstavitve procesa nastajanja teh materialov in vloge posameznih deležnikov na ožjih strokovnih področjih predstavil ključne gradnike, ki prispevajo h kakovosti vizualnih komunikacij na didaktičnem področju, obenem pa bo ponudil vpogled na širše polje oblikovanja in na njegovo inherentno moč v vlogi nosilca sprememb.
Visual Communication and Visual Literacy: Criteria and Possibilities for Didactic Development
Hugo Ball, the German poet and founder of the Dada movement, stated as early as 1916 that the word and the image are one and that the painter and the poet belong together. Admittedly, we rarely seriously consider this in detail in everyday life. The visual communication design process may be underpinned by numerous stakeholders, making the process multifaceted and complex and necessitating many better or less informed decisions. The network of criteria that defi ne the qualitative coexistence of the verbal and the visual spans many disciplines, including typography, graphic design, illustration, photography, linguistics, colour theory, the theory of art, user experience, and psychology. The paper introduces the basic building blocks that contribute to the quality of visual communication in the didactic field by presenting the process of creating these materials and the role of individual stakeholders in the more specific areas of expertise. At the same time, it offers insights into the broader field of design and its inherent power as an agent of change.