V prispevku je predstavljena eksperimentalna metoda videoanalize športnega dogodka z uporabo spletne strani YouTube. Cilj videoanalize gibanja je, da učenci na primeru iz resničnega življenja spoznajo fizikalne količine čas, pot, hitrost in pospešek ter njihovo medsebojno odvisnost. Na konkretnem primeru teka nogometaša so opisani postopek zajemanja podatkov o času in razdalji, izračun hitrosti in pospeška ter risanje grafov s(t), v(t) in a(t).
Video Analysis of Sport Event
This article describes the experimental method Sport Video Analysis, which makes use of YouTube. The aim of the video motion analysis is to acquaint learners with the physical quantities of time, distance, velocity, acceleration, and their interdependence, by means of a real-life example. The running of a soccer player is used as a concrete example to describe the process of capturing time and distance data, calculating velocity and acceleration from the recorded data, and drawing graphs of s(t), v(t) and a(t).