Prispevek obravnava prednosti uvajanja in izvajanja gozdne pedagogike v vrtcu, ki izpostavlja gozd kot idealno vzgojno-učno in spodbudno naravno okolje. Bivanje v naravi otroku omogoča, da kar najbolje razvije svoja znanja, veščine in pridobi nove izkušnje, ter mu ponuja ustrezne izzive za celostni (psihosocialni, fizični in kognitivni) razvoj. Na praktičnem primeru uvajanja programa Gozd v objemu v Vrtcu Črnuče prikazuje pozitivne ugotovitve, do katerih smo prišli pri uvajanju sprememb in uresničevanju inovativnega pedagoškega pristopa, ki ga razvijamo v sodelovanju z Zavodom Republike Slovenije za šolstvo. Navajamo osnovna izhodišča za uvajanje pedagoškega modela in smernice, nastale na podlagi našega dosedanjega dela na področju gozdne pedagogike, ki jih bodo strokovni delavci lahko uporabili pri svojem delu.
Introduction and Implementation of Innovative Teaching Approach: Concept of Open Educational Learning Environment as Modern Day Challenge
This article discusses the advantages of introducing and implementing forest pedagogy, which highlights the forest as an ideal educational and encouraging natural environment, in kindergarten. Living in nature enables children to develop their knowledge, skills, and gain new experience, while offering them suitable challenges for a comprehensive development (psychosocial, physical, and cognitive). Drawing from a practical case of introducing the programme of Forest in Embrace, positive conclusions will be shown, which were reached through introducing changes and the implementation of an innovative teaching approach that is being developed together with the National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. The main bases for introducing this teaching model will be explained, together with guidelines which have emerged on the groundwork of our activities in the field of forest pedagogy up until now, and which can be used by the teaching staff in their work.