Utrjevanje poštevanke s pomočjo didaktičnih iger

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Množenje in z njim poštevanka je temeljna računska operacija, s katero se v vsakodnevnem življenju pogosto srečujemo in si z njo pomagamo v različnih situacijah, kot so trgovina, tehtanje, merjenje … Matematični dosežki pomembno vplivajo na izobraževalno uspešnost posameznika. Poznavanje poštevanke je torej ključnega pomena za nadaljnje učenje matematike v višjih razredih osnovne šole in kasneje tudi nadaljevanja v srednjih, visokih, višjih šolah. Negativne posledice učnih težav lahko zmanjšamo ali povsem odpravimo z zgodnjo in učinkovito obravnavo učencev z učnimi težavami pri matematiki. Pomembno je, da se poučevanje in učenje poštevanke prilagodi posebnim potrebam otroka z različnimi didaktičnimi igrami, pripomočki in strategijami učenja in poučevanja.


Consolidating the Multiplication Table by Means of Didactic Games

Multiplication, and with it the multiplication table, is a basic mathematical operation which we often encounter in our daily lives and which we make use of in diverse situations, e.g. when shopping, weighing, measuring, etc. Mathematical achievements have a major impact on a person’s educational performance. Knowledge of the multiplication table is therefore of key importance for the further learning of mathematics in the higher grades of primary school and later on in secondary schools, colleges and universities. The negative effects of learning disabilities can be reduced or even completely eliminated with early and effective treatment of pupils with learning disabilities in mathematics. It is vital that the teaching and learning of the multiplication table is adapted to the child’s special needs by means of various didactic games, aids, and teaching and learning strategies.