Usposabljanje strokovnih delavcev za vodenje strokovnih aktivov

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V svetu obstaja vse več raziskovalnih in praktičnih dokazov, da distribuirano vodenje z usposobljenimi vodji aktivov pomembno prispeva k učinkovitemu in uspešnemu vodenju ter ustvarjanju profesionalnih učečih se skupnosti kot temeljev za prihodnost vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov. Za vodje aktivov, ki so po svoji prvotni strokovni izobrazbi strokovnjaki za področje učenja in poučevanja, je zato bistvenega pomena, da jih opolnomočimo tudi za vodstveno kompetenco. V prispevku opisujemo evalvacijo pilotnega usposabljanja za vodenje aktiva, ki smo ga v šolskem letu 2014/2015 izvedli v Šoli za ravnatelje. Najprej orišemo teoretična izhodišča programa, v nadaljevanju pa predstavimo namen, cilje, vsebino ter metode in oblike dela. Osrednji del prispevka je namenjen analizi in evalvaciji pilotnega usposabljanja. Ta je pokazala, da je pilotno izvedeni program usposabljanja dosegel začrtane cilje; okrepili smo znanje in spretnosti udeležencev za vodenje sodelavcev, omogočili in spodbudili izmenjavo primerov dobrih praks pri vodenju aktivov, spodbudili refleksijo o praksi vodenja aktivov, da bi jo še izboljšali, ter z dejavnostmi v programu okrepili mreženje vodij aktivov iz različnih zavodov. Prispevek zaključimo z nekaj osnovnimi sklepi in priporočili ravnateljem.


Training Teaching Professionals for Managing TeacherWorking Groups

There is increasing research and practical evidence worldwide showing that a distributed leadership with trained workgroup leaders significantly contributes to the efficacy and success in the establishment and management of professional learning communities, which serve as the foundation for future educational institutions. It is therefore essential that the leaders of teacher workgroups, whose underlying education makes them professionals in the field of learning and teaching, become additionally empowered in terms of leadership competencies. This article describes the evaluation of a pilot training for workgroup management that was carried out by the National School of Leadership in Education in the academic year 2014/2015. First it outlines the theoretical groundwork of the programme, then lays out the objective, goals, content, as well as the methods and forms of work. The central part of the article is dedicated to the analysis and evaluation of pilot training. This examination has shown that the application of the pilot programme reached its designated goals; we built up the knowledge and skills of participants for colleague management, enabled and promoted the exchange of good practices in workgroup management, encouraged reflection on the practice of workgroup management in order to further improve it, and enhanced the networking of workgroup leaders from different institutions by means of various activities within the programme. The paper concludes with a few basic conclusions and recommendations to head teachers.