Človek je življenjsko odvisen od narave oziroma od ekosistemskih storitev, ki jih zagotavlja narava. Predvsem gozd je tisti del narave, ki predstavlja najrazvitejši ekosistem in med drugim človeku nudi čist zrak, surovine in prostor za sprostitev. Zaradi krepitve podnebnih sprememb in drugih človekovih posegov v okolje pa so omenjene funkcije vedno bolj ogrožene. Članek je nastal na podlagi raziskovalne naloge, v sklopu katere so dijaki II. gimnazije Maribor spoznavali uporabnost daljinskega zaznavanja in geografskih informacijskih sistemov (GIS) v geografiji. Namen raziskovalne naloge je bil prikaz spreminjanja zdravja gozda v prostoru in času na primeru regije Strojna, Kozjak in Pohorje. Zdravje gozda smo ugotavljali z vegetacijskim indeksom NDVI, ki smo ga izračunali na podlagi daljinsko zaznanih podatkov satelitov Landsat in Sentinel, pri tem smo za obdelavo podatkov uporabili prosto dostopen program QGIS. Rezultat prvega dela je trendna linija, ki prikazuje splošno slabšanje zdravja gozda na obravnavanem območju, rezultat drugega dela pa so statistični testi, ki potrjujejo vpliv reliefnih prvin na zdravje gozda.
Satellite-based Monitoring of Forest Health and its Dependence on Relief in the Regions of Strojna, Kozjak and Pohorje
Humans depend upon nature or, more precisely, upon its ecosystem services for their sustenance. Forests, in particular, are the nature’s most sophisticated ecosystems, providing clean air, raw materials, and a place for people to relax. However, these functions are increasingly threatened by climate change and other types of human intervention in the environment. This article is based on a research project through which a group of students at II. gimnazija Maribor learned about the usefulness of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) in geography. The research aimed at detecting forest health changes in space and time in the Strojna, Kozjak and Pohorje regions. Forest health was assessed using the vegetation index NDVI. It was calculated from the remotely sensed Landsat and Sentinel data. The freely available QGIS software was used for data processing. The first part resulted in a trendline that indicated a general decline in forest health in all the regions. The second part consisted of statistical tests which confirmed the influence of relief features on forest health.