Umeščanje otrok z avtističnimi motnjami v slovenski šolski prostor

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Prispevek prikaže spremembe na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami z vidika povečevanja števila otrok z avtističnimi motnjami v splošni populaciji in opiše proces umeščanja nove skupine otrok s posebnimi potrebami v slovenski šolski prostor. Že pred desetimi leti so posamezne vzgojno-izobraževalne institucije v Sloveniji začele zaznavati porast otrok, ki jim danes pravimo otroci z avtističnimi motnjami. Z uveljavitvijo novega zakona o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami (ZUOPP-1), oblikovanjem novih konceptov, izhodišč, smernic, navodil, programov in drugih dokumentov na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja otrok z avtističnimi motnjami v Sloveniji se je nova skupina otrok s posebnimi potrebami umestila v slovenski šolski prostor. Z umestitvijo so se ustvarili pogoji za razvoj novih oblik, metod in pristopov vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela na tem področju. Prispevek poudari individualizacijo podpore kot izhodišče pri oblikovanju novih pristopov in konceptov vzgojno- izobraževalnega dela z otroki z avtističnimi motnjami v prihodnosti in potrebo po oblikovanju sistemskih okvirov za njeno uresničevanje. Zaradi raznolikosti otrok z avtističnimi motnjami se individualizacija podpore kaže kot ključ za uresničevanje inkluzivne paradigme v vzgoji in izobraževanju.


Integration of Children with Autism into Slovenian Schools

The paper shows changes to the education of children with special needs from the aspect of the increase in the number of children with autism in the general population, and describes the process of integrating the new group of children with special needs into Slovenian schools. Ten years ago, individual educational institutions in Slovenia began noticing an increase in children who are today called children with autism. With the adoption of a new Placement of Children with Special Needs Act (ZUOPP-1), and the drafting of new concepts, premises, guidelines, instructions, programmes and other documents in the field of the education of children with autism in Slovenia, the new group of children with special needs has been integrated into Slovenian schools. Their integration has created the conditions for developing new forms, methods, and approaches to educational work in this field. The paper emphasises the individualisation of support as the starting point for shaping new approaches to and concepts of educational work with children with autism in the future, and the need for shaping systemic frameworks for its realisation. Due to the diversity of children with autism, the individualisation of support seems to be the key to realising the inclusive paradigm in education.