Ukulele v vrtcu

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Predstavljam glasbilo ukulela, ki jo vsak dan uporabljam pri delu v vrtcu. Ukulela je majhen strunski inštrument, ki spominja na kitaro. Zaradi enostavnega igranja nanjo je osvojila svet in lahko osvoji tudi vas, da jo začnete uporabljati pri delu z otroki. V vrtcu se veliko prepeva, brez spremljave. Ukulela pa vam omogoča, da s spremljanjem otrok podprete njihovo petje, ste točni v intonaciji, hkrati pa prepevanje obarvate s harmonijo. Zaradi priročne velikosti in enostavnega igranja jo lahko uporabljate prav povsod.


Ukulele in Kindergarten

The article introduces ukulele, a musical instrument that I use in my kindergarten work every day. Ukulele is a small guitar-like string instrument, which gained popularity across the world with its simplicity. It may appeal to you as well, and inspire you to use it in your work with children. While there is a lot of singing in kindergarten, music accompaniment is often lacking. Ukulele will allow you to add music and precise intonation to children’s singing, as well as colour their songs with harmony. With its convenient size and simple use, it is practical to use anywhere.