Učna vloga znanstvene ilustracije

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Uvodoma bodo obravnavani različni teoretski pristopi k definiranju ilustracije. Nekatere definicije sledijo praktičnim razlogom, druge delijo ilustracijo po področjih ali glede na vloge, spet tretje ilustracijo obravnavajo glede na njen nosilec ali na ciljno občinstvo. Predstavljene sheme bodo razjasnile definiranje glede na vsebino kot tudi obliko ilustracije. Nadalje se bomo posvetili podrobnejšemu pregledu znanstvene ilustracije. Zanimalo nas bo, kakšno je njeno poslanstvo in komu je namenjena, s poudarkom na ilustraciji, ki je namenjena mladim na poti učenja, tudi znotraj nacionalnega kurikula. Razvoj sodobne ilustracije bomo predstavili skozi primere interdisciplinarnih študijskih projektov (študijski projekti PKP – aplikacija znam, ŠIPK – sodelovanja s PMS, BVUL, fakultetami znotraj UL in društvi ter zavodi).


Importance of Scientific Illustration in Education

The article begins by discussing several theoretical approaches to defining illustration. While some definitions follow practical reasons or divide illustration into fields and roles, others consider it according to its medium and target audience. The schemes presented here clarify the definitions according to the content and the form. Next, the article looks in more detail at scientific illustration. The author is curious about its mission and whom it addresses, with a particular emphasis on illustration aimed at young people on their learning journey, including within the national curriculum. We introduce the development of contemporary illustration through interdisciplinary study projects, i.e., Creative Path to Knowledge (the Slovenian acronym: PKP) and the mobile application ZNAM, and Students Innovative Projects for the Benefit of Society (the Slovenian acronym: ŠIPK) in cooperation with the Slovenian Museum of Natural History, University Botanic Gardens Ljubljana, faculties of the University of Ljubljana, and other associations and institutions.