Učiteljica geografije in družinske počitnice na otoku Lanzarote

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Lanzarote je eden izmed sedmih Kanarskih otokov, katerega bi poimenovala kar »nenavadni kanarski lepotec« zaradi svojevrstnega vulkanskega površja, slikovitih pečin, klifov, potopljenih lagun in podvodnih jam. Nudi popolno priložnost tako za geografske raziskovalce kot za družinske počitnice. Otok je tudi lep šolski primer za učitelja geografije, ki si lahko prav od blizu ogleda divje vulkanske stvaritve, si nabere vzorce vulkanskih kamnin in se opremi z izvirnim fotomaterialom za učence. Na 800 km2 je zgoščenih ogromno naravnih znamenitosti (pa tudi kulturnih, a teh si v enem tednu nismo uspeli ogledati) od čudovitih peščenih plaž, ki so ujete med prepadnimi klifnimi stenami, pa vse do jahanja kamel med Ognjenimi gorami. Turizem tu še ni dosegel vrhunca, zaradi česar ima otok še toliko bolj očarljivo moč.


Geography Teacher and Family Vacation on the Island of Lanzarote

Lanzarote is one of the seven Canary Islands, which I would call “an unusual Canary beauty” on account of its unique volcanic surface, picturesque crags, cliffs, sunken lagoons and underwater caves. It offers an ideal opportunity for geography researchers and for a family vacation. The island also provides a beautiful textbook example for Geography teachers, who can see wild volcanic creations up close, collect samples of volcanic rocks, and accumulate original photographic material for their students. The 800km2 of surface contain a great number of natural sites (as well as cultural ones, but we were unable to see them during that week); from breathtaking sandy beaches, trapped between cliff walls, to riding camels among the “Mountains of Fire”. Tourism has not yet peaked there, which makes the island that much more enchanting.