V prispevku analiziram pomembnost učiteljev, ki so v preteklosti poučevali študente pedagoških smeri, njihovega poučevanja in vrlin. Izpostavljam in analiziram različne vidike njihovega potencialnega vplivanja na študente v procesu oblikovanja poklicne vloge učitelja. Omenjeni vpliv se lahko izraža na področju oblikovanja osebnih pojmovanj in iz njih sestavljenih subjektivnih teorij o učenju, znanju in poučevanju. V prispevku so izpostavljeni tudi osebnostni vidiki poklicne vloge učitelja ter proces vodenega ozaveščanja vpliva učiteljev, ki so nas poučevali. Poudarjeni sta tudi vloga in usmerjenost profesionalne kritične refleksije kot nujnega dejavnika profesionalnega razvoja.
Teachers Who Taught Us as a Factor (Role Model) in the Process of Shaping the Professional Role of Teacher
The paper analyses the importance of the teachers who taught teacher-education students in the past, of their teaching style and their character strengths. It points out and analyses different aspects of their potential influence over students in the process of shaping their professional role as teachers. The above-mentioned influence can be refl ected in the shaping of personal conceptions and in the subjective theories of learning, knowledge and teaching derived from them. The paper also points out the personality aspects of the professional role of a teacher and the process of a guided raising of awareness about the infl uence of the teachers who taught us. It also highlights the role and focus of professional critical refl ection as a necessary factor in professional development.