Učiteljeve podjetnostne kompetence: samoocena učiteljev v projektu POGUM

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V prispevku predstavljamo rezultate študije, v kateri smo ugotavljali, kako učitelji ocenjujejo razvitost lastne kompetence podjetnosti ter v kolikšni meri kompetence podjetnosti po njihovi oceni razvijajo pri učencih. V študiji je sodelovalo 889 učiteljev osnovnih šol, ki sodelujejo v projektu POGUM.1 Ugotavljamo, da učitelji zase ocenjujejo, da so pri razvijanju kompetence podjetnosti pretežno samostojni in neodvisni. Učitelji se počutijo najbolj suvereni pri kompetencah ideje in priložnosti ter kompetencah iz sklopa akcija, največ opolnomočenja pa bi potrebovali pri kompetencah viri. Na področju kompetenc iz sklopa akcije bi sicer kazalo učitelje v večji meri opremiti za prevzemanje pobude in sprejemanje hitrih in prožnih odločitev, pri kompetencah, vezanih na ideje in priložnosti pa predvsem pri razvijanju odkrivanja priložnosti za socialni, kulturni in ekonomski razvoj šole. Rezultati samoocene učiteljev se pričakovano zrcalijo tudi v oceni razvijanja kompetence podjetnosti pri učencih. Učitelji med področji pri sebi najniže ocenjujejo razvijanje področja virov in hkrati poročajo, da prav to področje najmanj razvijajo pri učencih.


A Teacher’s Entrepreneurship Competences: Teachers’ Self-Assessment under the Project POGUM

The paper presents the results of a study that aimed to determine how teachers rate their own entrepreneurship competence and to what extent they are developing entrepreneurship competences in their pupils according to their own assessments. The study involved 889 primary school teachers who are participating in the project POGUM.2 It has been determined that teachers see themselves as largely autonomous and independent in developing the entrepreneurship competence. Teachers feel most confident in the set of competences ideas and opportunities, and in the competences under the set action; they require the most empowerment in the resources set of competences. As regards the competences under the set action, the teachers should be better trained in taking the initiative and making fast and flexible decisions; in the case of competences relating to ideas and opportunities, they should mainly be taught how to discover opportunities for the social, cultural and economic development of the school. As expected, the results of the teachers’ self-assessment are also reflected in their assessment of the development of the entrepreneurship competence in pupils. As regards the different sets of competences, the teachers rate their development of the resources set the lowest, and report that they also foster this set the least in the pupils.