Izhodišče prispevka je napovedana redna zunanja evalvacija na Višji strokovni šoli Šolskega centra Kranj (ŠC Kranj). Ker pa omenjeni intervjuji ne potekajo z individualnimi predstavniki, pač pa vedno s skupino (npr. s predavatelji, predstavniki podjetij, pri katerih so študenti na praksi, z diplomanti itd.), smo želeli predhodno doseči čim boljšo seznanjenost posameznih skupin z zahtevami zunanje evalvacije ter z dosežki učencev in predavateljev, zlasti pri zunanjih predavateljih. Skratka, osrednji problem je bil, kako povezati določene skupine v mrežo. Metoda raziskovanja v prispevku je vezana na analizo obstoječih dokumentov, kot so zapisniki strokovnih organov šol. Postavljeni sta bili dve raziskovalni vprašanji, in sicer: 1. Kako je potekalo oblikovanje mreže? ter 2. Kateri elementi sestavljajo učinkovito sodelovalno mrežo? Rezultati kažejo, da je bilo v ospredju načelo, da je v središču študija študent/-ka, ne pa toga pravila, prav tako se kažejo zanimive ugotovitve s področja teorije mreženja. Pomemben zaključek je pravzaprav spoznanje, da povezljivost deluje takrat, ko posamezniki sprejmejo skupne cilje in jih ponotranjijo.
Efficient Networks in the External Evaluation Process – Case Study of the Kranj School Centre – Vocational College
This paper is based on an announced regular external evaluation of the Kranj School Centre Vocational College. Since the interviews undertaken during the evaluation were not conducted with individuals but with a group (e.g., lecturers, representatives of companies where students do practical training, graduates, etc.), prior to the interviews, we wanted to familiarise the individual groups with the requirements of the external evaluation and to inform all of the participants, especially visiting lecturers, about the achievements of the students and lecturers. The main problem we faced was connecting certain groups into a network. The work method used in the paper was related to an analysis of existing documentation, such as records of the school’s professional bodies. The following two research questions were posed: 1. How was the network formed? and 2. What elements constitute an effective collaborative network? The results show that the interviewees prioritise the principle of students being the focus of the study process rather than the observation of rigid rules. Moreover, some interesting findings from the field of network theory were made. An important conclusion that was drawn is that the goal of connectivity is achieved once individuals accept and decide to pursue common goals.