Članek predstavlja Bachove cvetne plese in že izvedene raziskave o njihovih vplivih. V sklopu petmesečnega projekta smo ugotavljali učinke Bachovih cvetnih plesov na učence, ki obiskujejo glasbeno šolo. Osredotočili smo se na učinke plesov na emocionalno stanje, koncentracijo in pozornost ter motivacijo učencev pri inštrumentalnem pouku in skupinskem pouku nauka o glasbi. Spremljali smo tudi motivacijo učencev za izvajanje Bachovih cvetnih plesov. Dobljeni rezultati kažejo, da so Bachovi cvetni plesi na udeležence pozitivno vplivali, predvsem pri koncentraciji in pozornosti.
Effects of Bach Flower Dances on Attention, Concentration, Motivation and Emotional State of
Pupils at Music School
The article presents the Bach Flower Dances and the research that has already been conducted regarding their impact. During a five-month project we assessed the effects of Bach Flower Dances on pupils attending a music school. We focused on how the dances influence the pupils’ emotional state, concentration, attention, and motivation during instrumental lessons and during group music theory lessons. We also monitored the pupils’ motivation for performing the Bach Flower Dances. The results obtained show that the Bach Flower Dances had a positive impact on the participants, especially with regard to their concentration and attention.