Tujejezični otroci v osnovnošolski knjižnici

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V zadnjem desetletju se v slovenske šole vpisuje vse več učencev iz tujine. Pri tem se šolniki nemalokrat srečujemo s hudimi jezikovnimi ovirami, saj taki učenci največkrat ne znajo slovensko, vse ostale potencialne sporazumevalne jezike pa zelo slabo. Ob všolanju takih učencev je razumljivo eden glavnih ciljev te učence čim prej naučiti slovensko, da bi lahko sledili pouku. Pa vendar naj bi vsi otroci imeli tudi pravico do negovanja svojega maternega jezika, pri čemer ima pomembno vlogo tudi branje leposlovja. Članek predstavlja težave, s katerimi se ob tem srečujemo šolski knjižničarji. Zagotavljali naj bi literaturo za vse učence, torej tudi tujejezične, vendar nam tega finance večinoma ne dopuščajo, poleg tega se srečujemo z veliko težavo, kje primerno literaturo sploh dobiti.


Foreign Children in the School Library

Over the last decade, the number of students from abroad enrolling in Slovenian schools has been increasing and educators often find themselves faced with significant challenges in teaching students who, for the most part, do not speak Slovenian nor are they fluent enough in any other foreign languages that could potentially be used to communicate with them. Therefore, it is logical that, when including these students in education, one of the main goals is to teach them, as soon as possible, the Slovenian language so that they can keep up in class. At the same time, all children should be given the opportunity to nurture their mother tongue, and, in this aspect, reading literature plays an important role. The article addresses the difficulties that school librarians experience in these situations, where we are supposed to provide books for all students, including those speaking foreign languages, but lack the necessary financial resources and are conflicted as to where to turn to find the appropriate literature.